Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Truth About Israel and Palestine by Stefan Molyneux

The Israel-Palestine conflict has been raging on for decades and there seems to be no end in sight.

On July 8, 2014, Israel launched operation Protective Edge, carrying out airstrikes on 50 cities in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. The Israeli government claimed this was retaliation against rockets fired from Palestinian territories controlled by the Islamic political movement Hamas.

The July events are the latest of a series of bloody attacks between Israel and Palestine. What is the cause of all this violence and why are both sides so committed to it?

1 comment:

  1. Stefan, an interesting analysis and I think generally reasonably accurate. The things you say of Judaism regarding power structures and domination are historically also applicable to both the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditions. The priestly class - powerful classes always seeks to maintain their position, often to the detriment of others. They all did terrible things, as terrible things are what those who seek for or seek to maintain power always have to do.

    When you get to the emergence of Zionism, I feel that you are stretching your information a bit. Although the concept was certainly promoted by Jewish leaders, your concept of the degree of contrivance and power preservation involved by the Rabbis is largely conjecture. ..
    Yes, I agree, the Jews are stuck in a quagmire.
    They have a religion and Law that was applicable while they lived in the Land given to them by God. But when the temple was destroyed in 70AD, and they were expelled, the whole basis of the Law as national law was finished. They now just pick and chose the parts they want to apply, for they cannot even offer a sacrifice or find atonement any more, which is the consequence of rejecting their messiah.

    Judaism historically was tied to the promises made the the fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to the Law given through Moses. It had two parts, 1) centered on Moral Laws and 2) as well as possession of the Land.and civil governance. This was not a contrivance of modern Judaism, but historically part of the Jewish religion.
    Also, Judaism is a religion and based upon both birthright and belief, and is unique in this regard. The Talmud is just an idiotic fabrication, adding human ideas to maintain some sense of religiosity after Temple ended..

    You forget the WWII and Hilter's destruction of the Jews and the number of Jewish refugees who fled Europe because of their distrust of Europeans. Can't blame them for that.
    .Lastly, the numbers/percentages of Palestinians killed in the various wars omits those who were soldiers fighting the Jews, and not simply bystanders.
    Lastly you also forget to mention that 1.6 million Arabs live as citizens in Israel, which equates to 20% of the total population. They have equal rights under law, and are politicians, soldiers and policemen.

    Does this justify Israel's behavior? No.
    Does this justify the Palestinian's behavior? No.

    The solution .. there is none till Zech.12-14 is fulfilled. These things are beyond anyone's ability to solve, although they will try (Zech.12:2-3), This is not about irrationality or absolutism ... it is declared before, so all are without excuse.
