Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Bilderberg Group - Nuclear War with Russia

Daniel Estulin: The True Story of The Bilderberg Group - Nuclear War with Russia

"Bilderberg Group" expert Daniel Estulin revealed there is a split between the U.S. Bilderbergers and European Bilderbergers over Ukraine working with Russia. In its most recent secret meeting last week, Estulin reports, "European Bilderbergers said they are going to have to find common language. The American Bilderbergers are adamantly opposed to that. They don't want any of European Bilderbergs appeasing Moscow. They say you cannot reach a deal with Ukraine if Russia is not in the mix." So, are the Bilderberg's worried about war? Estulin says, "The European Bilderbergs are most certainly and are very concerned about the situation, but the American Bilderbergs not so much. If there is a war, it's going to be a thermal nuclear war . . . There is an imaginary red line drawn in Ukraine, and if America or NATO crosses that red line, Russia is not only going to be willing but is going to go to war because their survival is at stake. That is something that they cannot play with, and the European Bilderberg understands this, and they took Obama and his delegation to task on this point. . . . Obama wants Europeans to impose stronger sanctions on the Russians, and Europeans are saying if we do that, they are going to cut the gas off, and it is us who will suffer the consequences, not you. Europeans are not willing to go along." So, does the Bilderberg meeting see the world more stable this year or less? Estulin says, "The world is going to hell in a hand basket. What we are seeing right now is a fight between two systems. It's a monetary system or a national credit system. What we are seeing right now in Europe is a new nationalism because people are tired of being destroyed or deindustrialized. In America, Detroit is a great example of that. . . . The answer to your question is yes, the world is a far more dangerous place than it was last year."

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