Friday, July 11, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday July 11 2014: Ron Paul, Max Keiser

On the jam-packed Friday, July 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones continues to break down how Obama's orchestrated border implosion, following the script written by his mentors Cloward and Piven, will lead to America's ultimate demise. On today's show, Jones speaks with pro-life advocate and executive director of Created Equal, Mark Harrington, about their wild encounter with a crazed and violent abortion supporter. Jones also gets updates from Infowars field reporter Joe Biggs out in Murietta, Cali., where protesters from both sides of the heated immigration debate are gathered. Alex also invites economist and television broadcaster Max Keiser to discuss the dollar's slow-motion collapse and other signs the economy is sinking. Alex also speaks with former Texas Congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul about the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling, the boiling conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and ways people can help realign America's moral compass. We'll also be taking your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

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