Saturday, July 19, 2014

SHOCKING CLAIM: Obama Is Plotting to Overthrow the United States!

No need for a 3rd term. Next puppet is in waiting. America has been lost...unless the aware are in waiting. Got the 'guts' to save our republic? And it can be done without US being the 1st shot. Look to what is happening in Ukraine and learn.

1 comment:

  1. MOSSAD OBAMA HITLER S PLOT. Obama war criminal murder..! viral.

    sound's like hitler encircling Russia 1941, same as Napoleon, however as OBAMA plays the role of HITLER what we do not know is who is behind, congress the one behind that rules Obama, if OBAMA is he himself the new HITLER or if he and congress both are a accomplices to destroy Russia just like hitler 1941, or if is a paper-clip NAZI ring master's. and them if they are the ones that command not only Obama but congress and the senate? are they the ones that indeed rule the show, as it is a perfect tactic use France the vicious fascist Vichy, president Holland, and France has become very Vichy "1940 German occupation of France, very much like Vichy regime lately", therefore here we got same intention just a different tactic as is NATO soldiers under the american HITLER orders to a conventional war where the nuclear capabilities are put on hold but any way you look at it is the same plot same aim conquer Russia, identical to hitler, and you lot american exist more like slaves on a police is worth the inquire and lets hope is not Nazi from 1945 that rule america wisely to wisely. the B2 bomber is an identical copy of a German bomber from WW2, as most rockets are as well German Nazi technology, and computers etc, police methods and brainwashing. many similarities. . them Jews are next. look at it on this angle and OBAMA fits the new HITLER'S plot perfectly. even the surveillance hitler style in america the police methods. patriot act 911..plot developed by HITLER identical
