Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Earlier this week we noted that an invasion of the Ukraine by Vladimir Putin would likely lead to a complete destruction of U.S. stock markets. It's not so much the invasion force itself, but rather, the economic maneuvers that would come with it should Russia take this course of action.

Alex is joined via phone by former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul to discuss the current state of affairs in the US Government, the problems inherent in the Government shutdown and the issues with Obamacare. In this heightened era of government tax and spend — where printing more money is the Fed's only solution — even our allies are sprinting from the dollar. Nations like Russia and Japan could be turning to the gold standard, and the U.S. is none too pleased.
Ron Paul: The Collapse Is Close Nations like Russia and Japan could be turning to the gold standard, and the U.S. is none too pleased. What Comes 'After America'? "After America, there is North America." In recent weeks, both General David Petraeus and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., have woven into public speeches the theme of combining the United States, Canada and Mexico into a single, North American Union.

"After America, there is North America," explained Petraeus, the former U.S. military commander and former head of the CIA, to a panel entitled "After America, What?" held at the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty on June 18, 2014, hosted by the Center for Policy Studies in Great Britain. "ron paul" prediction bank banking currency "forex exchange" forex "forex trading" dollar usd "u.s. dollar" economy economist china yuan rmb "china rmb" russia warning 2014 2015 collapse prepare survival india gold germany france money cash humanity spy u.s. "united states" usa america silver "gold bullion" "sell gold" "silver coin" power elite mafia "bank account" "savings account" savings trade stocks shares future value "interest rate" "american dream" liberty empire "gold trading" "gold etf" finance audit entertainment trendy news media "elite nwo agenda" iran iraq sanctions hyper inflation audit the federal reserve depression 2008 documentary silver standard gold standard fiat currency wage income super rich bunker the road shtf demcad g4t alex jones qe unlimited bitcoin litecoin mining stock market all time high louis farrakhan gerald celente obama illuminati debt default

In his presentation to the conference, Petraeus proclaimed the coming of the "North American decade," a vision he explained was founded on the idea of putting together the economies of the United States, Canada and Mexico, some 20 years after the creation of North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA.

Well known economist and founder of the Shadow Stats web site John Williams seems to agree. If Russia were to begin unloading US Dollars it would almost instantly lead to a collapse of not only our financial markets, but our entire way of life. And while Russia alone may not have the economic power to single-handedly crush the U.S. economy, if their trading partners and allies like China got into the mix, coupled with front-running investors who may suspect the move is about to happen, it could well be a blood bath on a global scale.

This wouldn't even be an issue if the U.S. economy were operating at healthy levels, It almost happened in 2008... but as this excerpt from Casey Research's Meltdown America documentary notes, it appears the US military is preparing for the potential collapse of the US dollar. As Scott Taylor warns, "...if the carrot (of credit worthiness) is fading, and the stick (of military threat) is weak, that empire is going to come down in a hurry..." which leaves a serial economic mis-manager only one option to 'secure' the empire. Alex is joined via phone by former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul to discuss the current state of affairs in the US Government, the problems inherent in the Government shutdown and the issues with Obamacare.

If there's one thing that should be clear, it's that nothing the government or their banking partners have done to solve the economic crisis has been for your benefit. They've enriched themselves, yet again, on the backs of the American people.

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