Sunday, July 27, 2014


Why is that I've known for weeks now that Hamas denied responsibility for the abduction and murder of the three teens and ISIS wound up taking credit for it, but these mainstream media pundits haven't heard about it yet? Maybe it's because it goes against their talking points and proves that Israel is who started the conflict this time. 

1 comment:

  1. Now let's see ... we are told that Gaza is a prison, an apartheid state. That the mean Jews are oppressing the poor innocent Palestinians.

    Now let's ask the right questions ..
    How many Jews live in Gaza? - ahhh - none.
    If they did, would they survive and what rights would they have?. Ahhh - none.
    Freedom of Religion for Jews and the right to participate in politics etc? - Ahhh - none known, and none could safely do so.
    Rule of Law? - On paper, but not in practice. Assassination of opposition, tires around the neck of suspected collaborators, etc etc.

    Now let's look at Israel ...
    Can Arab/Moslems be citizens? - Yes, there are 1.6 million of them, or 20% of the population.
    Can they engage in freedom of religion? Yes, there is no restriction or persecution..
    Can they participate in politics? Yes, they do - there are active Arab political leaders in Israel.
    Can they join the police force and the army? Yes, they can and they do,
    Does the rule of Law apply in Israel? Yes it does, equally for all its citizens, Jew and Arab alike.

    mmmmm, I wonder where I would feel safer and more confident?? Does this justify all the brutality? No, not for either side. War is ugly and horrible for all, especially the innocent bystanders who have no power.
