Sunday, July 6, 2014

Representative Government is The Ultimate Illusion -- Deborah Tavares with Jeff Rense, July 2, 2014

Deborah Tavares with Jeff Rense, July 2, 2014 : Everything is Staged and People Remain in an Illusion : On the illusion that we are in a represented government while we're under a corporate construct and we face extinction; we're just stock certificates; the people are unaware of who is running the government; people remain in an illusion; the Constitution has been abolished; Executive Orders do not represent us; the virtual reality of robotisation; Transhumanism Agenda; John Glenn on medical experiments on the population; Radiation experiments; Food, Water and Air have been poisoned for a very long time; Mass Mind Control; Cell Phone Towers; Colonel Tom Bearden; KGB psycho-energetics; collective unconsciousness, and more.

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