Saturday, July 19, 2014

Proof FLIGHT MH17 was a False Flag Attack


Fake passenger passports are a sign of, well, something:
Russian television station Life News broadcast footage from the crash site that included images of passenger passports recovered at the scene, prompting Matthew Keys to post what appears to be a photo of a Dutch passport.

But the images of passports circulating online appeared too pristine
to escalate war & tensions -numbers though? Date 17/ 7 Flight 17 plane #777 The shooting down of Malaysia Airlines MH17 over Ukraine is a catastrophic event resulting in the loss of 295 lives (280 passengers and 15 crew). Details are still emerging about what really happened, but Netizens are already fronting various theories of what may have been the root causes behind the downing of the passenger jet.

MH17 is the missing MH370 Malaysia Airlines jet which was previously hijacked and now had to be destroyed
This is one of the more outlandish theories being floated. It supposes that the Malaysia Airlines MH370 jet which has been missing in the Indian Ocean for many months had to be destroyed in order to eliminate the evidence of the aircraft, and so it was "repackaged" as MH17 and deliberately shot down.

I'm not sure why this would involve loading it up with passengers and flying it over Ukraine, and I very much doubt Malaysia Airlines would fail to notice it was flying the same aircraft used in MH370. For the record, airline companies keep meticulous aircraft maintenance records due to the stringent demands placed upon them by governments. Jet engines, for example, must be completely overhauled after so many hours of operation. Flight controls, electronics, hydraulics and other systems are also carefully inspected in a strict "hours of operation" basis, which obviously requires airlines to know which aircraft they are inspecting or flying.

lays out a number of conspiracy analysis ideas, some of which don't seem to hold much water. But one of the ideas that does raise legitimate question is the photo of the claimed "recovered passports" of MH17 passengers. Miraculously, all these passports appear to be in mint condition, even though the aircraft itself is a smoldering nightmare of wreckage. shouldn't these passports be a lot more tattered, burned or singed in some way?

The answer to this seems to depend on where the missile struck the aircraft. If it struck one of the engines, located under the wings, then it's not really necessary for the main fuselage to have been "burned up" in an explosion. The loss of an entire wing is enough to cause the loss of structural integrity of the aircraft, resulting in a mid-air breakup of the fuselage and possibly "dumping" live passengers into the open atmosphere at 33,000 feet, with their fully intact passports in their pockets or purses.

Pentagon Says Russia Massing Troops on Border
Pentagon previously caught inflating troop numbers Following denunciations by Obama and United Nations ambassador Samantha Power over the downing of a Malaysian airliner, Pentagon Press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said Friday Russia is massing troops on its border with Ukraine.
Obama Admin. Builds Case Against Russia at United Nations
Amb. Power says separatists undermining "Democratic Ukraine"

Obama followed the Power speech by stating Ukrainian separatists are "heavily armed and trained because of Russian support," according to a report filed by the Associated Press.
"I can say that Putin's plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon," the source reportedly said on the condition of anonymity. "That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft—15:44 Moscow time."

Reminder: U.S. Plotted to Provoke Shoot Down of Airliner to Create Pretext for War Plotting to stage downing of an airliner & start a war is insane, except when 'Murica does it!

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