Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pro & Anti-Israel demostrators face off in Chicago

A pro-Israel demonstration and pro-Palestinian protest faced off outside the Israeli Embassy in Chicago on Tuesday. Police closed off the whole block and patrolled the streets. After the demonstrations were officially over, small clusters from both groups confronted each other.


  1. Death to Israel, the plague and cancer of Earth.

  2. Imagine if Muslims were cheering the deaths of innocent Israeli lives lost, these jews would scream holocaust all over the media again. They can slaughter children and the media will still protect them and claim they are defending themselves, such hypocrisy.

    1. good point. remember on 9/11 when the news agencies in the US claimed that muslims were cheering 9/11 towers falling only to then discover that the media lied to all of us and were showing footage that was 3 years older and had nothing to do with 9/11

  3. Dirty Israeli Jewish Zionist scum

  4. it is disgusting to watch that old garbage on israel side how they cheering of killing of children. pigs has more moral than that old peaces of trash
