Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Michael Savage: SEAL Team Six was set up, murdered in Afghanistan

Obama had seal team six murdered to cover up the fake Bin Laden raid.
Sandy Hook Hoax Ultimate has never been debunked nor have the 2200 architects and engineers for 911 truth. They are counting on you being dumber than dirt to pull this off. So far it's working.

Conservative talk radio host Michael Savage believes the public is being misled about the deaths of 17 members of the Navy's SEAL Team Six. The team, which gained worldwide fame for killing Osama bin Laden, was traveling with Afghan soldiers in a Chinook transport helicopter when the craft was downed by insurgents in August 2011. Family members of the soldiers filed a lawsuit to seek damages from the US, Afghan, and Iranian governments, while also pressing Congress to address what they perceive to be improprieties in the government's version of events. RT's Ameera David discusses the controversy with Savage to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. Seems nobody cares, the military keeps marchin to war 1/3 of the country on welfare 1/3 of the country workin in government jobs don't say boo for fear they'll lose their jobs other 1/3 who knows long as their getting a paycheck...the party coming to a end soon
