Friday, July 18, 2014

John McCain Unveils True Motive For Shooting MH-17 To Escalate War With Russia

The flight, from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was carrying 298 people, 154 of them Dutch and 15 crew members, all confirmed to be Malaysian.

There were no survivors from the crash, which left wreckage and bodies scattered across miles of rebel-held territory near the border with Russia.

The Boeing 777 took off from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport and was expected to land approximately 13 hours later in Kuala Lumpur.

However, the plane crashed in eastern Ukraine at 1621 local time, in an area that has seen intense fighting between the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatists in recent months, near the village of Grabovo, some 40km from the Russian border.

The plane was flying at an altitude of 10,000 metres before the crash, leading to claims it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile.

Two U.S. officials said Washington strongly suspected the plane was downed by a sophisticated surface-to-air missile fired by Ukrainian separatists backed by Moscow.

Leaders of the rebels' self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic denied any involvement and said a Ukrainian air force jet had brought down the intercontinental flight.

Russia's Defence Ministry later pointed the finger at Ukrainian ground forces, saying it had picked up radar activity from a Ukrainian missile system south of Donetsk when the airliner was brought down, Russian media reported.

The Ukrainian security council said no missiles had been fired from the armouries of its armed forces.


  1. This was probably a USA false flag operation to escalate tensions and further their dominance over the world

  2. The Goyim GuardsmanJuly 18, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    American dominance Hmm! any cock sucking Yank tries that on me will be needing serious surgery to survive.

    1. It is not so much "cock sucking" yanks but their cock sucking Government that is the problem. American people have to wake up to what these bastards are doing and stop believing every word that comes from the satanic mouths of their leadership. They need a war badly, does not matter who or how many die they do not care as we have just witnessed by the shooting down of the plane. All this so they can start the finger pointing at Russia, I say bring it on get it over with and pray the US Government is taken out then their maybe some peace on this world.

  3. You are all idiots. Blame the govt for everything.How would you feel if you had family on board.
