Thursday, July 10, 2014


Venture Capital, Katie Pilbeam talks about the worrying new estimations on US debt figures with Jim Rogers, a legendary investor author of Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets. As Europe bears the burden of austerity, million-euro salaries continue to be dished out to bankers.

World Bank Senior Attorney-Karen Hudes -- 'Humanity Right On Target To Take Back Our World'In this 17-minute video by Edmond Druilhet, World Bank Senior Attorney Karen Hudes reports that military leaderships of the US, China, and Russia have refused all of the so-far offered false-flag options to begin WW3 in the Middle East

Gold rose to a six-month high on Thursday as fears of economic slowdown in China and lingering worries about Russia's standoff with Ukraine over Crimea dampened demand for riskier assets and boosted bullion's appeal.

U.S. equities and copper pries tumbled after data showed China's economy slowed markedly in the first two months of the year. Worries over China's first bond default and weak export data earlier in the week have also stoked concerns about the health of the world's second-largest economy.

Gold was also underpinned after Russia launched military exercises near its border with Ukraine, showing no sign of backing down in its plans to annex its neighbor's Crimea region.

Within the first week of 2014 U.K.'s Royal Mint announced they had completely sold out of sovereign gold coins. On the other side of the pond, the U.S. Mint reports that the sale of silver coins hit an all-time high at the end of 2013, proving that demand for physical precious metals has not abated.
Gold prices will likely explode in the future because current prices are too low for mines to operate, lowering the supply.

Yet, as investors the world over buy up as much physical gold as they can get their hands on, the companies that produce the gold have seen their stock prices decimated. Whether it's the work of the shadow banking system or because Wall Street has convinced Main Street to dump their shares, precious metals have seen a significant drop from their historical highs just a couple years ago.

The subject video covers an undercovered story on the missing German gold. Back in the 1950′s Germany, along with several other nations sent their gold to the U.S. Federal Reserve. Several months ago, Germany asked that some of their gold be returned. The Fed refused. Germany then asked to inspect the gold. Again the Fed refused.

So what would you think? I would think they don't have it. I would suspect they stole it. Of course those in Germany and other nations aren't stupid. If there are any shenanigans going on, some in positions of power in those nations have to be in on it. Now, with at least 20 years of manipulation in the gold and silver markets, the chickens are coming home to roost. You can't do this forever and you can't keep it a secret forever.

What have we done: after a series of reports in late 2012 in which we showed, with no ambiguity, that not only might the Bundesbank's offshore held gold be severely "diluted" (follow our 2012 exposes on German gold here, here, here, and here), but that on at least one occassion, the Fed and the Bank of England conspired against the Buba in returning subpar quality gold, the Bundesbank shocked everyone in early January 2013 when it announced it would repatriate 300 tons of gold helt in New York and all of its 374 tons of gold held in Paris. But convincing the Bundebsbank to demand delivery was peanuts compared to changing the tune of the Financial Times -- that bastion of fiat "money", and where the word gold is mocked and ridiculed, and those who see the daily improprieties in the gold market as nothing but "conspiracy theorists" -- to say the magic words: "Learn from Buba and demand delivery for true price of gold", adding that "one day the ties that bind this pixelated gold may break, with potentially catastrophic results."

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