Sunday, July 13, 2014

Israel Committing a Genocide in Gaza - Mike Rivero

ISRAEL / GAZA CONFLICT - Gaza Death Toll Passes 103 as Israel Air Strikes Continue

The U.S. has designed a bunker buster penetrator bomb that will take out Iran's Fordow nuclear enrichment complex, a target previously considered too fortified for conventional weapons. The new weapon, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce, is considered critical to an effort by the United States to convince Israel that the U.S. can effectively bomb the Iranian underground complex, according to a report published by The Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reported that senior U.S. officials showed the Israelis a secret Air Force video showing a test of an earlier version of the bomb. The show-and-tell is described as an attempt to convince Israel to hold off on a unilateral attack on Iranian nuclear installations.

Haaretz reports that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has assured the Israelis that the U.S. will consider military options against Iran following the country's summer elections. The Journal reports that an understanding was reached on action against Iran during Hagel's recent visit to Israel. It is said both countries will conduct a "joint situation assessment" following the Iranian elections and if diplomatic efforts are ruled out discussions on military action will be considered.

Hamas Just Attempted To Create A Horrific Nuclear Disaster In The Heart Of Israel
After the horrors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, how insane do you have to be to fire missiles directly at a major nuclear facility?

Iran's election will not determine the outcome of Iran's nuclear program, so the assessment appears pointless. "Bizarre, to say the least, because Iran's president has limited power over the nation's civilian nuclear program, and even less on the P5+1 negotiations. Rather, while Ahmadinejad's rhetoric is often cited as an excuse for war, his actual ability to implement changes in Iranian policy is comparatively minimal

At least 103 people have been killed as Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip enters its fourth day, with the latest attack killing five people in Rafah while rescuers were trying to free those trapped in the ruins of a building.

The air raid in Rafah on Friday came as Israel continued to bomb Gaza in what it says is an attempt to halt indiscriminate rocket fire by Hamas fighters.

Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Gaza on Friday, said at least 200 homes in the territory had been destroyed in the offensive that began earlier this week.

"Over 3,000 homes have been partially destroyed by the air strikes, and we've received figures that translates to an air strike here every four and half minutes," she said.

Avichay Adraee, spokesman for the Israeli military, said it had hit more than 1,100 targets in Gaza since the beginning of the offensive and that "there are still hundreds to finish off".
At least 700 Palestinians have been injured since the start of the Israeli attacks, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

A total of 10 Israelis have been injured by Palestinian fire since Israel began attacks on Gaza, with no deaths reported.

Eight people were injured when a Palestinian rocket hit a fuel tanker at a petrol station in Ashdod on Friday, the Israeli army said.

In an attack on Thursday, two soldiers were injured in a mortar bomb attack targeting the Eshkol regional council.

The army said on Friday its Iron Dome missile-defence system intercepted at least four rockets, believed to have been targeting the airport near Tel Aviv.

'Prolonging conflict' Israel Warns 100,000 Gaza Residents to Move Back From Border
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  1. Genocide - don't be an idiot.

    So Hamas, who denies Israel's right to even exist, can sponsor or turn a blind eye to rockets being fired from their jurisdiction into Israel at will and not expect a response. At least Israel is targeting the sites from which the rockets were sent ... and the fact that Mosques, Schools and Hospitals are in that target clearly indicates the careless attitude of those firing rockets. No normal, moral people would do or support something like this.

    I'm sure the US would just sit on its hands if Mexico or Canada fired rockets into its territory.

    There can never be peace in this region until these organisations and governments (Hamas etc) step up and enforce the rule of Law and decency, and crack down on the idiots in their midst. They can't do this, as they rely on these people to keep them in power.

    These US based commentators are themselves a disgrace, giving one eyed support for stupidity... Come on, grow up a little.

  2. dark age is mental this are the weapons an empire certainly not the usa empire an empire from another system will use on the usa population in case they feel the american empire becomes aggressive. they will not use arms, or old dated f-45 or 95 top gun hollywood trash. they will use neural mind control turn the lot into monkeys, and the battle is over in less than 25 seconds , not your bodies only your minds, they do that by neural technology the ray's penetrates your neurons twist them and inverses what you know as your own history all you have recorded since the moment of birth in short you mind goes back to reptilian state, your reason will be the reasoning of an snake. however this fellows are not about to act now just they can. so there is no use of weapons against them. they can fry up the entirety of the global network without causing a heat increase. the sound molecule separator simply takes atomic components of computers, nuclear subs radios, radars, drones, once that happens the drone is half blind, the computers performs erratically and what you see on the screen becomes irrelevant to what is there in front of you! and no way to understand the problem.

  3. israel does not exist israel is ww2 ship to the middle east for oil petrol. that is the facts, the rest is illusion, this 3000 or 20000 years old idea that we were here is pure illusion. is simple petrol and israel is the guarding post. even israelis are unaware of this. as withour this eventual citizens the police post will have no reason to be it would make no sense. so the citizens are the cover up of the police enclave. is call the nation of israel but in fact is just the police station call israel to keep arabs in line. because of petrol not religion or democracy just petrol.
