Monday, July 14, 2014

Israel and Gaza Spiral Deeper Into Conflict & War

ISRAEL Sends TROOPS to the GAZA STRIP - Israel and Gaza Spiral Deeper Into Conflict & War

Israel Launches Ground Operation In Gaza: Special Forces Raid Alleged Rocket Compound
Israeli ground troops have entered northern Gaza to take out a number of missile launch sites

After conducting countless sorties and bombing raids aimed at Hamas operatives in Gaza during the fifth day of Operation Protective Edge, but resulting in well over a hundred innocent civilian deaths in the past week, Israel, realizing it is not generating any brownie points with the international "humanitarian" media, finally did what it had threatened to do over the last few days -- launch a ground assault.

Moments ago, the Israel military reported that Israeli ground troops had entered northern Gaza to take out a number of missile launch sites.

Is Israel Trying to Bomb Gaza Back to the Dark Ages?
"Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water"
The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed Sunday evening that a Department of Homeland Security agent opened fire during a pro-Israel rally in front of the Westwood Federal Building.

The protest, which drew as many as 2,000 participants, reportedly turned violent after pro-Palestinian protesters began attacking several attendees with sticks.

As the four alleged attackers attempted to leave the scene in a pickup truck, a DHS agent opened fire on the vehicle, missing all inside. Cell phone footage of the incident captures the audio of a faint gunshot at around 29 seconds in. israel

Gaza toll passes 103 as Israel raids continue
103 Palestinians killed as air offensive enters fourth day
At least 103 people have been killed as Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip enters its fourth day, with the latest attack killing five people in Rafah while rescuers were trying to free those trapped in the ruins of a building.

The air raid in Rafah on Friday came as Israel continued to bomb Gaza in what it says is an attempt to halt indiscriminate rocket fire by Hamas fighters.

Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Gaza on Friday, said at least 200 homes in the territory had been destroyed in the offensive that began earlier this week.
Plunging toward Armageddon in Israel
What has happened was precisely what everyone then knew was likely Despite what is characterized as substantive progress in talks between Iran, the United States, and the European Union on Iran's nuclear program, the state of Israel has announced it is allocating in excess of 10 billion shekels for war preparations.
Nuclear Agreement May Result in Israel and Saudi Arabia Attacking Iran iron dome zion zionist

1 comment:

  1. 1967 borders is a better deal than the 1947 borders think before is too late as is unavoidable otherwise is over for israel it will just evaporate like a lake as the volcano covers it with lava. israel cannot win it will never be able to.. this is general custers last stand. and you israel surrounded by the lot that will tear you to pieces debka files can do nothing neither the useless iron dome. think time is pressing and is not on the side of ISRAEL.!! and will not be in the future.
