Thursday, July 10, 2014

ISIS Threatens FIFA: Cancel the World Cup or We'll Bomb It!

Before the winner of the Brazil World Cup has even been decided, the 2022 event is facing fresh threats. And this time, it's not down to construction delays or street protests, it's ambitious terrorists. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the terrorist organisation currently wreaking havoc in the Middle East, issued a bizarrely polite threat to FIFA earlier this week, warning them not to hold the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

The group claims that by that stage, Qatar will be a part of its newly-declared Islamic Caliphate, "under the rule of the Caliph Ibrahim Bin Awad Alqarshi" (the full name of ISIS leader Al Baghdady). Under that caliphate, football games will be considered "a diversion from Islam".

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