Sunday, July 13, 2014

Gold Confiscation, Soon!

Naked Shorts on Gold, Now and in 1933, Point to Gold Confiscation, Soon!

If you're planning to buy gold, it woldn't hurt to spend an hour or two, hearing a discussion about gold confiscation It's much like a college exam; It's not possible to over prepare, but most who take the exam will under prepare for it This one hour and fifteen minute discussion could be useful, if you hear it with pen and paper in hand, making notes about your ideas, like things to investigate, before you buy I hope you do not do what I did, listen to a dealer of the precious metal and then buy, heavily, relying on bad advice, because I lost 40% of the value in two years By the way, I listened to one dealer and bought from another I recall thinking that the dealer was crazy to sell a precious metal that would be worth so much more, very soon Looking back, I see very clearly why he sold, the price fell by 40% He knew what he was doing and I didn't! I got 'experienced' There are three people here The broker who said that silver is in short supply and we need to buy Me, the putts who fell for the lie and the broker who unloaded his cargo and sunk my ship Two of us are wrong; The liar and the fool Don't trust liars and you won't be anyone's fool

1 comment:

  1. Do you really think anyone with a half of a brain would turn in their gold as in the 30's when people trusted their government.?
