Tuesday, July 1, 2014

GLOBAL RESET & FINANCIAL MELTDOWN is Underway, Created By The Elite

It's no longer denied that we are going into a global financial implosion, however It's undoubtedly clear that the orchestrated economic collapse is being accelerated. Alex breaks down how on the ashes of this global world system a highly autocratic authoritarian technocracy is being established to take over everything. Don't say you weren't warned.

Ron Paul: Dollar Will Collapse, Gold Will "Go To Infinity"
The beginning phase of the economic collapse is over. The collapse is next. It will end in the bankruptcy of the US and all nations; and, as Bucky Fuller said, their collapse will make possible a world of peace, cooperation and abundance. This episode airs February 2014. Come meet Darryl Robert Schoon and 14 other influential thinkers at the Liberty Mastermind Symposium on February 21-22, 2014 in Las Vegas. The Beginning Phase Of The Economic Collapse Is Over. The Collapse Is Next Is The US Military Preparing For The Collapse Of The Dollar? "As long as we have excessive spending, and excessive computerized money, we are going to see gold go up," Paul urged, noting that as the value of the dollar is destroyed, everything measured against dollars will increase in value.

Paul added that recent drops in gold prices do not factor into the long term outlook.

"Markets do these types of things—they go up sharply, and sometimes they take a rest," Paul said. "I was never very good on short term, whether it's the stock market, or whatever."

"If you look at the record of the value of the dollar since the Fed's been in existence, we have about a 2-cent dollar. And gold used to be $20 an ounce. So I'd say the record is rather clear on the side of commodity money." Paul said.

"Six thousand years of history shows that gold always retains value," Paul added, "and paper always self-destructs."

Alex is joined via phone by former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul to discuss the current state of affairs in the US Government, the problems inherent in the Government shutdown and the issues with Obamacare. Ron Paul Warns of Martial Law and Economic Collapse
U.S Banks Told To Prepare For Total Collapse! Global currency reset by the IMF in March 2014 according to Paul Volcker It's a hint for a Global currency reset! It's time to press the "reset" button on the world, the founder of the World Economic Forum said Wednesday, addressing media ahead of the WEF's much ballyhooed annual meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, that gets underway in a week's time.

"The world is complex, it's fast-moving, it's interconnected, and we in Davos want to provide a mirror to the world as it is. It is not a meeting devoted to one set of issues. It's a meeting that address the complexity of our world," said Klaus Schwab, the WEF's founder and executive chairman.
Schwab was speaking as part of efforts to showcase the upcoming yearly jamboree for the global political and corporate elite that has as its core aim an ambition no less lofty than to foster an environment where the myriad problems and challenges facing the world in 2014 can be tackled head on.

Sometimes I think that I sound like a broken record. I am constantly using phrases such as "get prepared while you still can" and "time is running out". In fact, I use them so often that people are starting to criticize me for it.

But the truth is that only a small percentage of people out there are actively taking steps to get ready for what is coming. Most of the country is not prepared at all. In many ways, it is just like 2007 all over again. There were many people that could see what was about to happen and were doing all they could to warn people, but most did not listen. And then the great financial crisis of 2008 struck and millions of people lost their jobs and their homes. Unfortunately, the next great wave of the economic collapse is going to be even more painful than the last one. It is imperative that people get prepared for what is on the horizon, but for the most part it is just not happening.

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