Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Global Financial Calamity! US economic collapse imminent - James Rickards

James Rickards, author of the new best-selling book called "The Death of Money," says the financial collapse will happen, but he is not sure of when it will come. Rickards explains, "It is the thing you won't see coming that will take the system down. Things happen much more quickly than what investors expect." Rickards adds, "What will happen in gold is that it will chug along and then all of a sudden--boom. It will be up a $100 an ounce, and then the next day it will be up another $200 an ounce. Then everyone will be on TV saying it's a bubble—boom. It's up $300 an ounce and, before you know it, it will be up $1,000 per ounce. Then people will say gee, I better get some gold, and they'll find out they can't get it because the big guy will get it. You know, like central banks and sovereign wealth funds will be able to get the gold. The typical investor will run down to the coin shop and they will be sold out, and the U.S. Mint will say sorry we're not shipping. You're going to find out you can't get it because the whole thing is set up for massive shortages in supply."

1 comment:

  1. the purpose of DAVID cameron is to destroy france and the euro, london is hypocrital just like in ww1 with russie they lied to the TZAR and killed him, and in ww2 they were cosy with HITLER, to weaken france. however this time around HITLER is not German but american, the objective is to destroy the french economy and collapse the euro to have the £ and the $, as rulers of the world economy and have the city as world center, britain is a hypocrite nation to europe and to russia. the syrian event 2013 and the blockade of syria was a trick by washington and london to discredit president hollande and they achieve the task. beware putin of hypocrite britain and its american HITLER.
    this HITLER cameroon plot is to hurt europe for the benefit of britain and the city, as the american hitler and washington benefit when europe is weak. look at france president hollande is unpopular as the political parties all this is washingtons doings like in ukraine and georgia color revolutions, to discredit the government's so they can collapse the EU, have the euro collapse and take over, this is the reason of the NSA, the invasion of libya to create instability in europe. beware europeans our enemy is washington and the hypocritical british government.
