Monday, July 21, 2014

Global Economy on Life Support - Time to jump ship !

Why This Economic Emergency Will Cause RIOTS & CIVIL UNREST!

 The world is surrounded in disaster both man-made and natural. In The Money GPS, I cover that which is man-made even though it claims to be the work of the "free market". Growing inequality has prevailed and continues to expand as the elite MAGNIFY their earnings and the middle class VANISH from the statistics.

Stock markets hitting new highs mean nothing if there is no real economy. The fairy tale is over.
 "the U.S. economy has been on life support, graciously provided by Central Planners. However hard they try, they will soon realize that no amount of money printing can cleanse the rot of the U.S. economy."
the problem since the global financial and economic crisis has exacerbated massive. "In the first three years of crisis, inequality increased more than in the twelve years before,
Marc Faber is sounding warning bell
By creating their own multilateral financial institutions, the BRICS emerging-market powers are shaking up global economic governance but remain far from dismantling the post-war system dominated by the West.
the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been the pillars of the world's economic system

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