Monday, July 14, 2014


An unnamed teammate of Rams defensive end Michael Sam may have concerns about Sam's reality show on Oprah's network. The team itself, however, doesn't share those concerns. Yet. Rams knew about Sam's plans for a reality show when drafting Sam. As best we can tell, the team wasn't aware.

Europe is recovering, right? Wrong. IMF is now beginning to get concerned again (especially after Lagarde's call yesterday for moar from Draghi and every other central banker). As Bloomberg's Niraj Shah notes, it's not just the PIIGS we have to worry about (or not), Denmark, Finland, Norway and Poland have been added to the IMF's list of countries with the potential to destabilize the global economy.

Venture Capital, Katie Pilbeam talks about the worrying new estimations on US debt figures with Jim Rogers, a legendary investor author of Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets. As Europe bears the burden of austerity, million-euro salaries continue to be dished out to bankers.

Greystone mercenaries in Donetsk. The mercenaries were "soldiers of fortune proficient in combat operations," a diplomatic source told Interfax, according to the Daily Mail. "Most of them had operated under private contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan and other states. Most of them come from the United States."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said the mercenaries were contracted "to suppress civil protests and dissatisfaction."

"Among the candidates for the role of gendarme is the Barbados-registered company Greystone Limited, which is integrated with the Academi corporation," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. "It is an analogue, and, probably and affiliated body of the Blackwater private army, whose employees have repeatedly been accused of committing grievous and systematic human rights abuses in different troubled regions."

Academi was known as Blackwater and then Xe following its involvement in the murder of 17 Iraqis in Nisour Square, Baghdad, in 2007. Academi's board of directors includes former Attorney General John Ashcroft, Bobby Ray Inman, the former director of the NSA, and the company's CEO is a retired Brigadier General, Craig Nixon.

Hunter Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, will lead the legal team of Burisma Holdings, the largest natural gas producer in Ukraine.

According to The West Wire News, Burisma Holdings is a considerable player within the Ukrainian natural gas and oil industry. It holds licenses covering the Dnieper-Donets, Carpathian and Azov-Kuban basins and has considerable reserves and production capability.
Hunter Biden is a groomed insider with connections to NED, the organization that did what the CIA did covertly 25 years ago. Photo: Burisma

"Burisma's track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine. As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine," the Burisma Holdings website quotes Biden.

Why are people protesting in eastern Ukraine? Because they do not believe the government that came to power after the US-backed uprising in February is legitimate. They do not recognize the authority of an unelected president and prime minister.

Up to 21 people were killed in Vietnam, a doctor said on Thursday, and a huge foreign steel project was set ablaze as anti-China riots spread in response to China deploying an oil rig in seas claimed by both countries. eastern ukraine propaganda Children as young as kindergarteners in Carson, California could face misdemeanor charges for engaging in acts of bullying. "Bullying" is defined as making somebody feel "terrorized, harassed or threatened with no legitimate purpose."

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