Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gerald Celente - America Heading Towards a Economic Collapse

As the situation in Iraq grows worse for the American-supported government there, President Obama is moving more troops into the nation. Saudia Arabia is also now massing 30,000 troops on their border with the war-torn country.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA, requires Americans living aboard to file additional tax forms. Some of the people for whom this levy applies are worried that they will be jailed for non-compliance if they come back to the United States. Several Americans have renounced their American citizenship, rather than comply with laws regarding annual reporting.

Gerald Celente is a futurist, predicting movements in society and economies. He is publisher of the Trends Journal. Over the years, he has made several predictions that later proved highly-accurate.

Celente is our guest on the show today. He is here to talk to us about the war in Iraq, and what recent troop movements may mean to the future of that nation. We will talk about what may happen in that country, and around the region. In addition, we will discuss FATCA laws and how they affect Americans. Finally, we will ask Celente to offer us his predictions for the future of the United States and the world.

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