Monday, July 28, 2014

Gaza's Real-Life Apocolypto!

Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’–Barbaric human sacrifice taking place in Gaza’s real-life Apocalypto. Mark Glenn:


  1. The language stretches the facts, bends concepts and colors reality. Ritualistist murder, worse than the Mayan's, who killed millions, worse than the Inquisition, that killed millions ... come on ... you are just making your position and argument both unreasonable and stupid.

  2. the point is now 2014, barbarism, for a 2014 israel. that is the fact. undeniable reality of 2014 ethnic cleansing to steal land. no different than ISIS in Mosul that murder christian. this is the cruel reality that israel portraits to the world. israel on the eyes of the world is committing the same crimes against humanity that poroshenko is carrying out in ukraine. this is the truth that none wants to accept..

    1. So it has nothing to do with the indiscriminate firing of thousands of rockets at Israel. Ha, what a silly form of reasoning.
      Now let's see, how many Jews live in Gaza .... mmm, none, I wonder why. Maybe they would be summarily killed.
      Now let's see. how may Arab's live in Israel? 1.6 million, or 20% of the population. Do they have right? Yes, they are politicians, soldiers and policemen. Do they have equal rights under the Law? Well yes.

      Go figure....

  3. Israel's barbarity with $3 billion worth of arms from America every year is merely answered with inaccurate home made rockets. Israel is a vile fascist entity that sits on stolen Palestinian land.
    It is time for Palestine to have a democracy instead of being saddled with a fascist "Jewish State".
    It worked well when apartheid South Africa dissolved itself and became a democracy and it will work even better when the Palestinian flag flies from the Knesset for all the people instead of that horrible prayer cloth called Mogen David that only represents a bunch of arrogant killers and thieves.
