Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Economic CRISIS in America Government Officially Bankrupt!

With a COLLAPSE being a certainty, it is still important to keep up to date on the statistics to see where everything is headed. Clearly, the statistics show that the economy is still heading into the ground and the politicians aren't changing anything!

The system runs specifically off of debt and it's so obvious when a surplus of tax revenue in the trillions still can't make up for the MASSIVE deficit.

Federal Tax Revenues Set Record Through June; Feds Still Running $385.8B Deficit
Federal tax revenues continue to run at a record pace (in inflation-adjusted dollars) in fiscal 2014, as the federal government's total receipts for the fiscal year closed June
Although the official numbers vary, the unfunded liabilities amount to over $60 trillion according to USA Today.
GAAP-Based Federal Budget Deficit Hit Record $6.6 Trillion in 2012

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