Friday, July 18, 2014

DOWNING OF MALAYSIA AIRLINES MH17 - Why Was The Airplane Flying Over A Warzone?

Who Shot Down the Malaysian Airliner?
Political blame game begins at crucial time for Ukraine-Russia conflict
A round-up of the latest facts, speculation and the blame game surrounding the alleged shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine.

1. This was a passenger plane flying over rebel territory despite the fact it was well known that pro-Russian rebels had fairly advanced anti-aircraft weaponry, and were using them with increasing success. Alec Luhn, one of the best reporters on the ground covering the conflict, tweeted out that Ukraine authorities allowed flights over the war zone if they were traveling above 7,800 meters; flight MH17 was reportedly shot down at 10,000 meters.

2. In just the past week, rebel antiaircraft missiles have struck at least three Ukrainian air force planes in the region — two Sukhoi-25 fighters, and an An-26 military transport plane. 3. Almost as soon as the plane was downed today, Russian state news agency ITAR-Tass boasted "Donetsk People's Republic militiamen shoot down Ukrainian Air Force An-26". Russian propagandists to turn around and blame it all on the Ukrainians.

5. In 2001, Ukraine's military accidentally shot down a Russian passenger airliner flying over the Black Sea from Tel Aviv to Novorossisk, killing 78 people onboard. After over a week of denials, Ukraine finally admitted responsibility. In 1988, the US Vincennes mistakenly shot down an Iranian passenger plane in the Persian Gulf, killing 290 passengers on board. Legion of Honor medal two years later by President George Bush.

President Putin's Plane Might Have Been Target for Missile in Ukraine
"I can say that Putin's plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon" Malaysian Airlines MH17 plane was travelling almost the same route as Russia's President Vladimir Putin's jet shortly before the crash that killed 295,
"I can say that Putin's plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft -- 15:44 Moscow time," a source told the news agency on condition of anonymity.

"Putin has only one jet -- Board One, he does not fly other planes. This plane always takes off from Vnukovo-3, but the presidential plane have not been flying over Ukraine for a while," the source at Vnukovo-3 terminal said. President Putin was on his way from Brazil, where he attended the BRICS summit, to Moscow.

Flight MH17 crashed in Ukraine on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpar, and was carrying 295 people.

"The plane crashed 60km away from the border, the plane had an emergency beacon," ITAR-TASS cited its source.

Presumptive 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has placed blame for the downing of a Malaysian plane earlier today on Russia.
Almost exactly one year ago, the world was nearly brought to the verge of a global war by proxy involving the US and Russia (and Europe and China) over a staged, false flag YouTube clip "proving" the Assad regime had used toxic gas (gas that was made in Britain as it was later revealed) to kill several hundred civilians in the country's ongoing war against what subsequently turned out to be al-Qaeda funded and trained rebels (and which now are fighting across the border with another former US-puppet state, Iraq). Luckily, back then an all out confrontation was averted in the last minute over what was ultimately nothing but a gambit by Qatar to have its gas pipeline enter Europe and leave Gazprom in the cold (literally and metaphorically)

1 comment:

  1. justice follows logic
    & reason and is coherent, coherence makes real the tangible reality.
    who started the invasion of the freedom fighters, Kiev..! Who
    supports Kiev OBAMA OTAN-NATO. Why is there a war, because OBAMA, NULAN
    WASHINGTON insisted on waging wars to Russia? answer to justice are those guilty
    on second degree which are: OBAMA congress, and NATO-OTAN. why the plane
    was hit, because wars. who is responsible of this war. Victoria NULAND
    the democratic party congress. now NATO on a court of justice will have
    difficulties to prove otherwise. hope OBAMA understands clearly. hope
    polichenco do understand that he is the principal guilty of this murder. as the
    crime was in Ukraine where he send troops against freedom fighters. freedom
    fighters are not invading KIEF. this is a logical and reasonable analysis as
    the cause is not the freedom fighters but those that created the problem on the
    first place. Russia has nothing to do with this as the useless congress of
    murder you got on the white house is the first suspect..."BENGHAZI"
    another murky murder unsolved..! so if American’s want justice this is your
    chance to show what justice is all about...!
    in gaza israel invades gaza, the freedom fighters of UKRAINE are not INVADING KIEV. do you see the difference. KIEF INVADES DONNESK. logic..reason outcome all this is OBAMA, NULAND AND NATO they are the guilty party.
