Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dollar Collapse Guaranteed -- John Rubino

John Rubino- Social Unrest Guaranteed

Author of "The Money Bubble," John Rubino says our global fiat money based system is going to explode. So, what do you do before the "money bubble" pops? Rubino says, "The first thing you want to do is avoid dependence on these fiat currencies. That is the epicenter of this latest biggest bubble. You want to swap you financial assets, like bank CD's, into hard assets like gold and silver and, if you are able to, farm land . . . things that represent real wealth that governments cannot create in unlimited quantities. This insulates you from the government's ongoing policy of making the dollar less and less valuable each year." Rubino goes on to say, "Social unrest is basically guaranteed. If you look around the rest of the world you are seeing it, and that . . . will happen on some scale here. We will see variations on wealth taxes and other types of wealth confiscation going forward and governments completely run out of money and lose the ability to just print money. . . . You should absolutely have some precious metals on hand. That is the most risk free asset you can acquire. That's the real money."

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with John Rubino of

1 comment:

  1. nothig will happen. We can fudge the books
