Monday, July 28, 2014

Dear Israel.. The World is Watching You

"The struggle against Israel is increasingly including people from different communities all over the world, people of varying political and ethnic backgrounds.And that includes an increasing number of Jewish activists who say that they refuse to accept the crimes being committed in the name of their religion."


  1. time for a global war discontent from 2001 to 2014, blood rituals and ethnic cleansing. from afghanistan to gaza,from gaza to ukraine one stop in syria and iraq, libya. and palestine.

  2. The Goyim GuardsmanJuly 28, 2014 at 6:12 PM

    Fuck Israel and all the Jews and yes we are watching you and cursing you! The lowest scum ever to walk this earth!

    1. Just lovely, Goyim. Your day is coming when you will have to answer for your hatred.

    2. Really, troll? Could you prove his statement more?

  3. Jesus said they were of their father the devil and they will do his works, for he was a murderer and a liar from the beginning. The bribed governments of the west have done nothing against these thieves and killers for seven decades, so I don't expect anything from them now. They have carte blanche to murder anyone they want and anywhere in the world they want. May the world soon apply the same standard to the lives of all Zionists.
