Thursday, July 3, 2014

DAVID ICKE - ISIS / ISIL CRISIS is Just Another PERCEPTION DECEPTION & Problem, Reaction, Solution

The UN says over 1000 people have been killed in Iraq so far this month after the Takfiri militants overran parts of the northern and western regions of the country.

UN spokesman Rupert Colville says civilians make up the majority of the toll. He also says the death toll includes summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who had stopped fighting. "This figure — which should be viewed very much as a minimum — includes a number of verified summary executions and extra-judicial killings of civilians, police, and soldiers who were hors (de) combat," media outlets quoted Colville as saying on Tuesday.

The UN spokesman also says some 318 others were killed in terrorist attacks in Baghdad and southern Iraq.

The world body says at least 757 people were killed in ISIL-fueled militancy in Nineveh, Diyala and Salahuddin Provinces.

New pictures have emerged online of atrocities and mass killing of Iraqi soldiers and civilians at the hands of militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Recently, a similar gruesome video was released, purportedly showing members of the ISIL Takfiri group brutally killing Shia Muslims in drive-by shootings in Iraq.

Syrian and Iraqi terrorist forces obtained significant numbers of tanks, trucks, and U.S.-origin Humvees in recent military operations in Iraq and those arms are being shipped to al Qaeda rebels in Syria, according to U.S. officials.

U.S. intelligence agencies reported this week that photos of the equipment transfers were posted online by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, the ultra-violent terror group that broke away from al Qaeda but shares its goals and philosophy.

Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Bill Speaks confirmed the weapons transfers and expressed concerns about the captured arms.

"We're aware of reports of some equipment—namely Humvees—and the pictures that have been posted online,"

Speaks added that the loss of the equipment to the terrorist group is "really a matter for the Iraqi government to speak to publicly" because "it is their equipment." army of terrorists funded, armed and supported by Saudi Arabia, the Sunni caliphate of Iraq and the Levant, and NATO.

Otherwise known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the caliphate and its partners in Riyadh and Doha have transplanted tens of thousands of murderous paramilitary jihadists from the battlefields of Syria to the killing fields of Iraq. For the fossilized monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar the objective is to spread a pernicious version of Sunni Islam and thus defeat their longtime Shia Islam rivals, while in the West the financial and global elite are playing a long-running game of conquer and divide, a technique long used by the British Empire.

F. William Engdahl and other historians have shown how the British Empire ruthlessly conquered the Arab Middle East, an effort spurred on when it realized oil would eclipse coal as the dominant energy source in the 20th century. As World War I raged in Europe, the British worked with France, Italy and Russia to wrestle the region away from the Ottoman Turks, who had enjoyed uncontested control for centuries. israel zion zionist Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu would like to see the al-Qaeda spin-off ISIS attack Iran in a repeat of the Iran-Iraq War, a conflict that lasted eight years and cost Iraq 500,000 lives and Iran more than 750,000.

According to Netanyahu and the Israelis, a comparable or larger death toll resulting from a war between Sunni and Shia Muslims would be preferable to Iran possessing a nuclear weapon.

Iran's Nukes: A Big Lie Designed to Foment Conflict
U.S. and Israeli intelligence, leaders of the Israeli military, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency have all concluded Iran does not have a nuclear weapon program.

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