Saturday, July 26, 2014

Coming Soon - Revelation's Second Seal Iran War

Revelation's Second Seal War is the next biblical prophecy to be fulfilled in the Time of the End.

1 comment:

  1. Rubbish .... what a pathetic interpretational approach.

    The book of Revelation has a very precise structure,
    Seals, followed by Trumpets, followed by Vials, followed by Thunders. Each 6th-7th marks the end of one epoch, and the commencement of another. If you knew anything about Roman History and Post Apostolic Christian-Pagan religion and what the truth of the Bible was really about, you would be able to understand the different epochs, just as Rev.1:1 says you would.

    We currently live in the period of the 6th Vial of Rev.16. The seal period was pre the fall of pagan-Rome in the 4th century BC. This 'continuous historical' approach was believed by most of the protestant churches after the reformation, but this latter 'futurist' interpretation adopted by the ignorant evangelicals, was borrowed from the Jesuit 'Ribera', after the reformation failed to accomplish what it sought for.
