Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Central Bankers Are Now Defending The Reserve Status Of The Dollar

French President is trying to convince his country that everything is great and the economy is improving. Another company has come forward stating that the economy is the problem. Home-builder sentiment has improved but we have seen this in 2008, the year real estate crashed. It seems the central bankers/US government/corporate media must be getting nervous because they are now defending the dollar as the reserve currency. The central bankers want every financial institution included in bail-ins. The central bankers are looking to place more sanctions on Russia meanwhile the EU is worried about new sanctions. Israel continues to bomb Gaza, and is now paying students to post on the net. According to Edward Snowden, ISIS was created by the US CIA and Mossad to create havoc in the middle east. Jack Lew is warning about attacks on the financial institutions, these attacks could implode the economy.

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