Monday, July 21, 2014

BRICS Vs. IMF - Susanne Posel Interview

 The US Dollar has picked up a couple of mach speeds higher into it's final destruction. The sun is setting on the Anglo-American empire.  These corporations are nothing short of satanic. The roller coaster is taking a pivotal turn among the world power families... what a way to introduce digital currency as the final way of ultimate slavery to the system of antichrist, and world war edges closer to help usher in the man of sin's rule.

A new international bank, centered on the nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China could so rival the International Monetary Fund. However, the plan is delayed as the four BRIC nations discuss where the bank should be headquartered.

The new institution will supply financing to nations, businesses and individuals. The four nations participating in the new financial institution will provide $100 billion in financing to establish the bank.

The International Monetary fund and the World Bank could soon see competition from the new institution.

Susanne Posel is a globally-syndicated journalist, writing on politics and world events. In 2011, she helped to found the group Occupy Corporatism. She is our guest on the show today.

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