Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ann Barnhardt Counter Revolutionary

1) Life in a cashless society, Ann provides a working example
2) The credit score system; and the credit lock-down
3) How the financial system has was intentionally misused to concentrate wealth by having a new influx of new unqualified folks taking out home loans, getting college loans, car loans, or fake healthcare coverage.
4) Why everyone now has a perfect credit score
5) How young folks have been addled, drugged, and tested
6) How testing will be used to send people to the new gulag
7) How DNA is being collected for future use
8) How people will be further disenfranchised by being called "mentally ill"
9) How we have been bred to be part of an adolescent culture
10) Why the powers that be want dissent to hook onto absurd claims and so called "truths"
11) On the perils of consumerism and entertainment
Much much more including Edward Snowden Glen Grewald and the NSA

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