Monday, July 7, 2014

America in Bible Prophecy

America in Bible Prophecy | Satan's Global Liaison

• Bible Prophecy's Beast from the "land"
• Horns like a lamb; Speaks like a Dragon
• Deceives the entire world!
• Compels all to worship first Beast (Rome)
• Gives life to the Image of the Beast
• Satan's New World Order . . . imminent!

In this video:
The USA in Bible Prophecy: Fulfilling Satan's Agenda!


  1. what is the usa doing in ukraine. remember 1492 a nation made on genocide, "GENOCIDE" if psychology 222 dfhdf means anything you lot are somewhat born killers of the human race. look at your daily news is death genocide zombies 1% and 99% of slaves. so what gives OBAMA the men from a slave continent AFRICA that exist on a genocide nation, america 1492 the possibility of reasoning properly. this pool of insanity call washington cannot skip facts, those are facts africans were slaves still are. african americans did not find freedom in america just more insane enslavement. can you be trusted. NO. moreover 1989, america took the wrong direction, rather americans elites, the people the folks are somewhat dim, brainwash, as you can see on the video who talks kerry obama, they dictate your decisions, just like vietnam, iraq,iran,libya,syria, afghanistan.lusitania, liberty ship.. ww1 ww2 and now ww3 today you got a police state why, you ask for it. america is a CNN home DEPOT of insanity and so far it looks it will always be. unfortunately. alex join the arts world the music world the real one. not those 1980 flop..!! the time is now to link all of the arts on one hand one position one faith one mouvement go global. make one unity of all.

  2. The Bible states in Rev.13:3 that this one world government will not come to pass til the Deadly Wound is healed, Yup that dragon satan tho he'll be claiming to be Jesus will heal that Deadly Wound most likely being a currency crises of some sort n will decieve everyone except Gods elect that understand that the false messiah satan comes at the 6th trump 6th seal 6th vial our True Lord Jesus comes shortly after at the 7th trump. If your still in a flesh body you'll know or should know its not the real Jesus.
