Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (7-22-14) Lyn Ulbricht

On this Tuesday, July 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers mega-massive news as power-hungry madmen push their agenda of fraud, deceit and rampant destruction across the globe. White surrender flags were discovered flying above the Brooklyn Bridge this morning and they were ostensibly mounted in response to politicians who are abetting the collapse of America's borders. Across the Middle East, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is mass murdering Christians and has even torched a 1200-year-old church. And in Washington, D.C., the IRS, under fire for deleting internal e-mails in a cover-up of its crimes, is now seeking contractors who can destroy 3,200 hard drives. On today's show, the mother of the man accused of creating the Silk Road website, Lyn Ulbricht, talks to Alex about the government's persecution of her son and how the outcome of his impending trial could impact our freedoms as well as the future of the Internet.

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