Saturday, July 19, 2014

A New Kind of Currency

We, the people, have been inculcated with an idea; that the US dollar is the only currency, but now we see that the fiats are going out, fast!
What do we do? Do we wait until runaway inflation drives up the price of everything, so we can't buy food?
I think we better look at other currencies, some of which were never thought of as real money, in our lifetimes
The material is presented, as an enigma, in this video, but you might guess the currency, before the end, because of the clues presented
Have fun and watch, tell friends and see if you can switch to this currency in order to grow your wealth, rapidly!


  1. The 'Federal Reserve' is the BANK OF SATANISTS! They are nothing more than "ROACH MOTELS FOR DISEMBODIED SPIRITS!!!!" I've known about the DEMONIC 'FEDERAL RESERVE' for many years, and it saddens me to no end how evil they are. NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING on this earth is worth losing your soul over!

  2. Be wise my friend for when you hear that Jesus is in Jerusalem n you are still in a flesh body it will be the false messiah satan himself claiming to be Jesus, take a moment n read Thess.2:3,4 things that will come to pass before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.Thats how satan will get your soul thru deception that hes Jesus.
