Friday, July 4, 2014

99% of Our Trash Disappeared From The Oceans!

That's too bad, if that plastic melted, that means it can have horrible effects on our climate :( !!!! And you guys remember the climate change report a few month back ? Yeah, that's still happening. We need to stop our addiction to fossil fuels. There is a way to power vehicles on vegetable oil, solar, and electric (nuclear power is bad too though) so I'm aiming more towards solar power.  Learn these words: SUSTAINABLE LIVING

it's very much possible...

"My grandfather used to say, that once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a police man, and a preacher, but everyday, three times a day, you need a farmer"

Doctors, are just becoming more popular because of all the poison we put into our bodies, take care of your bodies okay ? it's the only one you got !

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