Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Middle East U.S. Puppet Regimes Are Collapsing Just Like The Economy

They changed this trickle down economics policy from trickling down from the top of the pyramid to the bottom, to the top of the pyramid to the top two levels only. It stays at the top few levels and does not make it past them. They did this and still call it Capitalism, when it in fact is not. You can't have a Capitalistic society without a middle class.

Jobs has everything to do with this. Phony U.S. Data Releases on payrolls:
1) Approximately 3.6 million college students will graduate in 2014 and roughly 3.5 million will graduate from high school.

2) Approximately 1.2 million legal immigrants will be allowed in and roughly 500,000 illegal immigrants will arrive according to to Homeland Security.

Assuming 3.0 million college grads, 1.0 million high school grads, 600,000 legal immigrants and 400,000 illegal immigrants will enter the workforce that is roughly 5.0 million new workers. We only created 2.379 million jobs over the last 12 months or about half what is needed to keep unemployment.

The economy needs to create TWICE as many jobs in order to accommodate the increase in the working-age population. That is not likely to happen and the long term unemployment is going to decline slowly as more workers enter the job market.

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