Friday, June 13, 2014

The Empire is Crumbling Fast

World events are happening so fast I could even catch up with what is happening - the Empire is crumbling - fast:

Even before 9/11/12 in Benghazi, Russian President Vladimir Putin was warning that arming terrorists can basically blow up in your face. It did. Well, once again, arming terrorists has blown up in our face, this time in Iraq. You have to know some of the very same people that were al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria are some of the same ones who have taken over much of Northern Iraq. Meanwhile, in the "Wars and rumors of Wars" news, pro-Russian forces in Ukraine are battling it out with government forces with no end in sight. Putin adamantly contends that Russian forces are not involved in Ukraine fighting. And, as if the situation is not complicated enough, the Obama Administration is demanding Russia stop helping the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine or face more sanctions.Eric Cantor is out as GOP Majority Leader. He was defeated in the Virginia primary by a Tea Party backed candidate, economic professor David Brat. Cantor held the number two spot behind House Speaker John Boehner.The crisis of children flooding across the Mexican border is contrived by the Obama Administration, according to a group of ex-border patrol agents. They say there is no way all these kids are making their way north without major help and incentive to do so.


  1. what you got to understand is that petrol is the key to everything in the capitalist realm today not currency. the aim of the events is to take over the Saudi kingdom, this people are not working for the CIA Washington realm globalist. unless a planet without the Saudi oil will benefit them, it does only because gas prices will go up but as well the chances of a revolution civil wars and a max max reality. without petrol there is no economy nothing runs not even electricity.

    1. Saudi Arabia is in bed with USA. The dollar is based on the price of oil and all the oil producers are supposed to only sell oil for dollars. USA trained ISIL in Jordan and Turkey and Saudi Arabia financed them.
      If ISIL is stopped it will be no thanks to USA and Israel. It will be thanks to Russia and Iran. Unlike America, Russia sends aircraft to help Iraq and Iran that will support Iraq on the ground.
