Sunday, June 1, 2014

Syria, Iran, and The Petro Dollar

An interview with a knowledgeable business man about what the petro dollar, the US, the Federal Reserve, Syria, and Iran all have to do with current events.

Politicians are not "motivated" by greed. In fact greed is just a pay off. It is openly disclosed ,even on Lame Stream Media now ,that the NSA has EVERY Phone call made since 1987 RECORDED. Imagine the "blackmail" potential of that. These people have to do what they are told or they and their families will be exposed and humiliated. Any "Secret" or "Security" agency that has ZERO oversight ,has complete control.

1 comment:

  1. the problem is Washington is a fourth world nation on what culture, intelligence,diplomacy, foreign relations, wisdom. this fourth world regime has everyone under a suffering regime even at home. what Washington needs is advice, culture, education, enlightenment so they can act and behave as civilize folks, as this fourth world nation diplomatically is a danger to the human kind, hope president Holland of France will bring up the issue to president Obama the 7 of June. and be aware president putin CIA often has assassination teams deployed in Europe. so be careful.
