END CORPORATE WELFARE , How Tax Reform Can Save the Middle Class , At the very least, for the cheaters anyway. Economist Joseph E. Stiglitz says corporate tax abuse has helped make America unequal and undemocratic.The Nobel Prize-winning economist on why America's future prosperity depends on tax reform today.
Stiglitz should campaign for President. He's about the only one who has
the understanding, experience and contacts and can talk the talk to the
financial community to get some fixes done. We can go back and forth
with ignoramuses like Bushs and Clintons ... while meaningless time
wasting arbuments lead us all off the track.
The top 0.1% have had it in for this country ever since the workers
fought for unions and benefits. They had the long range plan of
dropping the American worker to their knees. I heard this decades ago
when they said when prices are too high in America this was all going to
move overseas. Other countries protect their integrity and citizens,
America just protects money, money that comes from anywhere and seeks to
do anything. Money can be much more dangerous than bombs and weapons,
yet somehow we continue to do nothing and to deny we have any problems,
because the only people who get to talk or who get to be taken seriously
are the 0.1%.
The only way to seriously take these people down
and prevent this now and from happening in the future is to tax them
severely, but at this point they may just go overseas and declare
virtual war on America if the people ever had such an awakening. This
never would have happened either if the people were not so stupid, and
we can blame our schools for that, and mind rotting TV.
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