Sunday, June 29, 2014

Shimon Peres Says 'ISIS Should Unite Arabs And Israel'

Who benefits the most from ISIS?

Israel, Peres said, is no longer the most significant threat to the majority of Arabs in the Middle East.

"Until now, maybe Israel was the first problem in the eyes of many Arabs," he said. "Today, they have to say it openly, the real problem for the Arabs and for us are not the mutual mistrust but really the problem of terror, which is a common danger to them and to us."

1 comment:

  1. Peres is a lying Zionist swine. Have no truck with people of his ilk until they return all the stolen land and bring back the expelled population and have one man and one vote and deconstruct the vile racist "Jewish State".
    If it was good enough to deconstruct apartheid South Africa, it is good enough to deconstruct the racist Zionist entity.
