Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Peter Schiff on crisis in Iraq hitting world economy

Iraq's largest oil refinery shut down Wednesday amid ongoing fighting between military forces and insurgents with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The Beji refinery accounts for a quarter of the country's refining capacity, and the shutdown showcases how the economic effects of the crisis may quickly spiral. RT's Ameera David discusses the potential economic impacts of the fighting with Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital.

1 comment:

  1. the UN does not exist is a JOKE, useless full of BS, sometimes even worse than the $ and wall street casino, the UN is investors, $ as toilet paper, propaganda, not human minds, nobility, reason truth, that organization is more corrupt than UKRAINE and wall street put together. so what can anyone do with this UN criminals, nothing dump it, things will work on your side. europeans think they are on a cube a square world, soon they will open their minds and understand they are on a sphere. this conditioning is from long ago, but they are learning fast. just look at israel a UN creation to destroy humanity. at war since 1947 and soon nuclear, all done by the UN. ukraine, IRAQ and syria is a copycat, so this what the UN does best destroy.
