Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Paul Craig Roberts -- Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely

More people need to listen to what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says. He's been on the inside in Washington & he is honest as to what is really going on today. He not only is very smart, but he has common sense, unlike almost everyone else in Washington. He knows both politics & economics.

Is America safe if the U.S. makes a preemptive nuclear strike? Dr. Paul Craig Robert's says no-way and explains, "Even if every American city is spared retaliation, all the Americans would die too due to the radiation and due to the nuclear winter. . . . all of the temperate climates would have freezing temperatures every day of the year for three years. So, clearly there wouldn't be any food grown. This is over and above whatever the radiation does to people."

What about Russia and China making a first strike of their own? Do you think that is far-fetched? Dr. Roberts points out, "What I am telling you is in the public record. This isn't an opinion. This is all in the public record. Anyone can read it. The Russians and the Chinese are both fully aware of it. . . . This is very dangerous for Washington to have this doctrine and to be implementing it by putting ABM bases in Poland. . . . Of course, these systems never work like people think they will work, they never do. There are no winners. It is impossible to win. This is ignorance, and the belief you can win a nuclear war makes it possible, makes it likely. "

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.


  1. what do you think is taking place in europe obama the dictator is "st OBAMA the saint", the ukrainian oligarch, fascist regime is considered democratic, obama rampage and weapons programs police state is considered in europe as culture. main media in europe considers the us economy as an example, and they must follow wall street and the money changers. so europe the ones that created the usa of america is worse than america itself, they even are more corrupt than african dictators, so alex what do you think, and you americans when the planet is rule by fools and especially in america the nation that has 50 million homeless so they can purchase weapons carry out wars and impose a police state in america. only you the people can save america so act soon.

  2. putin I believe is aware of all this, economically he has won over washington, this to petrol or not to petrol is on russia's favor no matter how you look at it washington has lost and it cannot win, is over. however the danger is the acceptance of washington and in fact if there is doctor strange love somewhere on the white house that is the danger, the real danger.
