Wednesday, June 11, 2014

OUTSIDE THE BOX Interview Kingsley Dennis and Jason Liosatos

My talk with Kingsley Dennis about our rapidly changing society and the necessity that we take control of our own destiny, as we enter a new epoch of consciousness, a tipping point, where for the first time in history we can all consciously participate in reshaping and manifesting the future, and that we can no longer rely, and focus on government to do it for us.
We discuss a changing of mind sets, a recalibration, with new thinking patterns, values, communication, connection and compassion supporting a new energy that transcends suppression, releasing ourselves from old patterns of dependency, and a return to self empowerment and self belief. Kingsley talks of new models and priorities, true riches, happiness, re evaluating and redefining success, to find true riches, and the importance of personal balance and sanity as a prerequisite for global peace and balance, with a new era upon us with young people finding empathy and a diverse connectivity between them. Kingsley reminds us that chaos and dissatisfaction are opportunities to construct and sow seeds for something better, creating a collective awakening to change the global playing field for a new evolution.

1 comment:

  1. bad news for israel, talibans, they are coming this folks( current iraq, syria,pakistan) are just the infantry, (IRAQ,PAKISTAN, MOSUL,KIRKUK) the ME. the scouts. the talibans arrive later in time....! the saudi kingdom petrodollars, petrol itself will have some very deep problems, washington, now has 3 fronts,china & russia and the talibans all over the ME and africa. and they are winning. diplomatically is easy to reach peace by isolating washington and the us companies and banking system, that having a war with the talibans and lose it. end of dollar as reserve currency is a good sign to the coming invaders. Europe will have to exit NATO-OTAN to save himself. it looks this ukrainian adventure is going from bad to worse, washingtons will to isolate russia gave as a result that is washington who is isolated. this indicates something for you to inquire?
