Sunday, June 22, 2014

Obama Illuminati Ritual Exposed!

As long as YOU are with GOD YOU will be safe it doesn't matter what Obama is doing because if he is a satanist he will burn in hell as long as you respect others and bring peace without being a hypocrite or liar you will be saved

666 in Hebrew represent Tipheret aka little sun aka the Arch Angel Michael. You should also know that Seraph meeans serpeant as does Seraphim which is derived from the root word "Seraph". Also Seraph referred to as Seraphim in some scripts/cannons guarded the Ark, also Seraph went about the camp of Moses biting people and if you did not bear the mark then you would become ill! GOD is love/truth and ur perception of reality is limited as is ur understanding of truth so let love be ur guide.

1 comment:

  1. That's not how you get Saved. You can only get Saved by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and repenting for your sins. Jesus said in John 14:6 " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life ; no one can come unto the Father accept through Me." That's how you receive eternal Salvation. Read John 3:3 and Romans 10:9. You must believe in the Atoning blood shed by Jesus Christ on Calvary's Cross and repent because: "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand."
