Saturday, June 28, 2014

Middle Class SLAUGHTERED by Design of Banking Elite!

This world will be further dominated by the banking elite, as we watch in ignorance. We'll vote in our own slavery, walk into our own jail cell. A dominant force makes no excuses and publicly steals from us. Yet it goes unnoticed by the general public because of their decadence.

Those who ask for it, will get what they want.

University of Michigan researchers have released a study stating that the disparity between the wealthiest Americans and the rest of the country has grown because of the Great Recession and the slow recovery. According to the study, the top 5% of Americans averaged 24 times as much wealth as the wealth of the median American family in 2013
Buffett also rejected the idea the U.S. stock market is "rigged." He contended that the market's sheer size gives him comfort, "It's pretty hard to rig 20 trillion-plus dollars."
Bullard Predicts Fed Rate Increase in First Quarter of 2015
ECB imposes negative interest rate

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