Thursday, June 5, 2014

Laurence Kotlikoff : Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme

Laurence Kotlikoff: Social Security Is Grossly Unfair, Insolvent, and Needs to Be Retired

Jim welcomes back Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University. Professor Kotlikoff has provided expert testimony on numerous occasions to the Senate Finance Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee, and the Joint Economic Committee.

1 comment:

  1. mario draghi is not saving europe is not his aim, rather the opposite he believes that if europe collapses the $ will survive, he is wrong, the dollar has collapsed already is dead and there is no way to save it. the industry in america is now in china, china no longer needs american technology and the best fellows on technology are in india and pakistan. the mathematical wizards of the 21 century. so there is no way out what he can create is a huge civil war in europe russia will not take part of this mess, but europe could simply collapse. and america isolated next to britain might have an internal conflict, ww3 without russia but europe & america. mainly economical wars. washington and its ideology are wrong in fact lack of knowledge wisdom, intelligence, tactics, strategy, brzezinski and his american century he is nuts. they are not merovingians anyhow so it is understandable. reason why nation building or democracy ideas or anything like it fails for washington, like the constitution, the republic, GW washington, etc.
