Monday, June 9, 2014

Las Vegas Shooting Hoax

FEMA cards, parading pigs and water bottles... GMAFB Let me guess, no video to prove anything? At a frikkin' wal-mart, and NO VIDEO?? In addition to equating the slenderman urban legend, which is internet borne if I'm not mistaken, with conspiracy investigators, perhaps this is also to tie in the need for internet censorship, as it is causing kids and the mentally ill to go insane and kill people. It's possible this is the angle, because back in 1954 they flipped out over horror comics like Tales From the Crypt and others. This ended up with a special hearing or committee in the government which created a code whereby the comics could not use the words 'horror, terror, werewolf, vampire". This ended horror comics, unfortunately. I have to admit, I didn't see this whole slenderman angle coming. They are nothing if they are not clever in their evil.

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