Monday, June 23, 2014

John Perkins -- The Oil Price to shoot up because of the ISIS War in Iraq

John Perkins -- Oil Companies Will Use Middle East Crisis to Jack Up Prices
The world events are happening so fast that we could not keep tap on what's happening. Some people who have been through it all know what transpired and happened, John Perkins is one, he was an economic hitman during the 70's. Hired and trained by a government, you know who, to gobble up natural resources from the 3rd world countries at dirt cheap rates. He would bribe the heads of state of those countries into compliance, failing to comply, his backers would send in the assassins and Jackal etc.., which explained why many planes of the presidents in S America blew up no sooner they reached cruising altitude, presumably those were the ones that could not be bought. Read his book - "Confession of an Economic Hitman", by one of the earlier whistleblowers.

Financial expert John Perkins has a unique perspective about the unfolding crisis in Iraq. Perkins, a former chief economist who advised the U.S. Treasury Department and the IMF, to name a few, says, "Another force has now stepped up to the stage and that's the militant Islamic force, and it's a very strong force. It is a very anti-capitalistic force. So, it is the force going up against the corporatocracy. Even though Russia, China and the United States compete on many levels as they are doing in Ukraine and other places, they have a common enemy, which is this Islamic regime that wants to overthrow the corporatocracy. I am not talking about all Islamic people by any means; I am talking about the radical Islamic militant groups like ISIS that is coming into strength in the Middle East right now." Perkins goes on to say, "Now, what's happening suddenly in Iraq, Syria, Iran and the whole Middle East is exploding once again. I think Middle East oil is not nearly as important as a few years ago. There are other alternatives now. Having said that, the oil companies will use what's going on in the Middle East to jack up prices as high as they think they can."Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with John Perkins, best-selling author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man."

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