Sunday, June 1, 2014

JIM ROGERS on the U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE - Countries Move Away From USD

Sanction threats against Russia sent shock waves of panic across the world of investment. There's still those who still believe in the prospects of the Russian economy, despite the political turmoil. So, what are these prospects? How are sanctions affecting the financial balance of power? And, finally, what does Moscow's turn to Beijing mean for the future of the global economy? We ask these questions to a renowned investor and businessman - Jim Rogers

former Congressman Ron Paul warned that if the US the dollar will collapse, and gold will literally be priceless. "Eventually, if we're not careful, it will go to infinity, because the dollar will collapse totally," Paul said 2008... Casey Research's Meltdown America documentary notes, it appears the US military is preparing collapse of the US dollar. As Scott Taylor warns, "...if the carrot (of credit worthiness) (of military threat) is weak, that empire the empire.

computerized money, we are going to see gold go up," value of the dollar is destroyed, everything measured against dollars will increase in value. drops in gold prices do not factor into the long term outlook.

"Markets do these types of things—they go up sharply, and sometimes they take a rest," Paul said. short term, whether it's the stock market, or whatever."

"If you look at the record of the value of the dollar since the Fed's been in existence, we have about a 2-cent dollar. And gold used to be $20 an ounce. commodity money."

"Six thousand years of history shows that gold always retains value," Paul added, "and paper always self-destructs." Paul will appear on the Alex Jones show today to further discuss this issue.

consequences of economic mismanagement can be, and how stealthily disaster can creep up on you, watch the 30-minute documentary, Meltdown America. Witness the harrowing tales of three ordinary people who lived through a crisis, and how their experiences warn of the turmoil that could soon reach the US.

It's not too difficult to understand that we are well on our way to a paradigm shift in America; in fact we're in the midst of it right now. The writing is on the wall and can no longer be ignored.
Right now, the dollar is only propped up by foreign demand.

The US government has run up trillions of dollars in debt, and given the recent debates over the country's debt ceiling, Congress or the President will act to curtail spending and balance the budget. We will continue adding trillions of dollars to the national debt clock creditors no longer lend us money.

From the monetary side, the Federal Reserve's response to this unprecedented crisis has been to simply "print" more money as is necessary. trillions in dollars already printed thus far, the Fed continues quantitative easing to the tune of about $80 billion per month. It's the only arrow left in the Fed's quiver, because failing to inject these billions into stock markets and banks will lead to an almost instant collapse of the U.S. financial system. Unfortunately, the current strategy is chock full of its own pitfalls, the least of which being the real possibility of a hyperinflationary environment

On Main Street, average Americans have seen their wealth decimated. They've lost millions of jobs and homes over the course of the last five years. And if recent reports are any indication, the destruction of the middle class will continue unabated for years to come. The resulting effect is a vicious negative feedback loop that continues to build upon itself. Americans no longer have money (or credit) to spend to prop up the economy, thus more jobs will be lost, leading to more people requiring government assistance for everything from food to shelter. International Man Jeff Thomas of Casey Research, predict what's coming next:

We know a collapse is coming... If you're paying attention you probably have the distinct feeling that we are in the middle of it right now. And guess what? military know it's coming too, simulations of exactly such an event and its fallout.

But the collapse of our financial system, or hyperinflation of our currency, or a meltdown in US Treasuries is only the beginning. We know some or all of these events are all but a foregone conclusion.
What we don't know is the timing of the trigger event that causes the global panic to ensue and what will happen after these primary events take hold. Travel Restrictions. Confiscation of wealth Food Shortages Riots Martial Law

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