Saturday, June 7, 2014

Jewish Circumcision Blood Ritual Interview with Gilad Atzmon and Jason Liosatos on Outside The Box

My talk with Gilad Atzmon about the barbaric abuse on Jewish children by the religious ritual of circumcision. We discuss this horrendous act of mutilation on eight day old babies without anaesthetic, and the further horrific abuse by the act of Metzitzah B'peh where a Rabbi Priest sucks the blood off the mutilated, screaming child's penis. We talk about the urgency that we are not hold back in exposing this act of child abuse and insanity, and the great danger of us becoming used to this psychotic behaviour. I also mention that people are afraid of being called anti Semitic and hence this atrocity, and collective psychosis continues. We also talk about the importance of us studying the history of this, to let go of our indoctrination and mistakes, and the emergency that the Jewish population really analyse the implications of this forced circumcision blood ritual, and make the right ethical decision against it, and hopefully initiate an outright ban on its practice.

1 comment:

  1. Jewish Rabbi evil creature
    should be renamed the foreskin eater!
